Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Science in my Worldview

by Stephen B.

Do you not know? Have you not heard? Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood since the earth was founded?
– Isaiah 40:21, NRS

One’s view of the beginning of matter—the beginning of existence, period—is the base for one’s worldview. This is not just a matter of opinion, the answers to all of life’s questions lie in the beginning. Just as a book starts on the first page and a music cd begins with track 1, everything you and I believe starts at the beginning of existence. A person can begin his or her search for meaning and shape his or her worldview without at first considering the question of “Where did this all come from?” (much like one can start a book in the middle or even at the end). However, if one asks questions long enough, they will be forced to eventually consider this question.

Actually, most of us have an answer to that question, even when we do not consciously know our answer. If we were to look for that answer within our concept of life (our worldview) we would undoubtedly discover the “why” for many of our other beliefs and feelings. My worldview is based on God (or Who I believe God to be), and I derive my understanding from God—and thus my worldview is based on—the Bible, which I believe to be God’s words in a written form. The validity of this base is rationally arguable to a certain extent, but in the end, I would have to admit that the naked truth is that I simply have faith that my foundation is concrete and real. This does not scare me because my Bible tells me that my relationship with God is and must be built upon faith. Hebrews 11:3 tells me, “By faith we understand” (NIV).

How does science play into the picture of my worldview? Hebrews 11:3 actually offers the beginning of the answer to this question, as well, “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible” (NIV). By “universe” I understand this Biblical author to meaning all that exists. I believe that this verse (and others that back it up and expound upon its concept) means that God created all matter and the laws that our world operates by. Thus, I believe that God created the things we study in Science.

But, I believe that God made more than just the physical world and its laws; I believe that God also made things that cannot be studied with a microscope. He also made beauty and emotions. The very essence of life is in Him—both the physical and surreal aspects of life. Thus, when I look at a rainbow I see an amazing “painting”—a work of art. I see a message that I understand through theology and faith. And, equally as important as the first two, I see drops of water with light streaming through them just as the Creator said that they would when he made the miracle of refraction.

I see God.


Austin said...


Austin said...

I see that you are now on Beginnings...

Welcome. Looking forward to your first post!