Saturday, November 18, 2006

Today's Happenings

Today a friend took my French Alpine/Nubian buck to an auction for me! (Thank you, Heather F.!) I'm so glad I could finally sell him. I really did enjoy having him, don't get me wrong. It was fun learning the ins and outs of training and containing a buck. But he has served his pupose- breeding my doe. He has developed a full grown buck tempermant. And he has sired my new buck, Harry. With only one doe right now, one buck is out of a job. = ) Here are some pics of me with Snowy this morning before I loaded him up.

When he's not dirty, he's beautiful! LOL! = ) Maybe, I'll post some pics of my far prettier goats, Tansy and Harry, another time.

~Terah K.

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